A cron job is an automated task, that performs a certain action - usually running some script in the website hosting account. The task is pre-set, which means that it will run regularly - hourly, daily, weekly and so on. There are numerous good reasons to make use of a cron job for your websites. As an example, you may get daily reports how many website visitors have signed up on your website, a temporary folder may be emptied automatically each and every week or a backup copy of your content may be created in a different folder inside your hosting account. Using cron jobs will help you with the administration of your websites because it is possible to get many things carried out automatically and get reports about them, as opposed to spending time and efforts to complete them yourself.

Cron Jobs in Cloud Hosting

The Hepsia Control Panel, which is provided with all the cloud hosting, will allow you to set up cron jobs in several basic steps even if you haven't ever used this option previously. Once you sign in and visit the Cron Jobs area where you'll be able to assign background tasks, you just have to copy and paste the system access path to Perl, PHP or Python based on the script that you'll run, type the path in your account for the actual script file and choose how often the cron job has to be executed. For the aforementioned, you'll be able to use the basic mode and select the days, hours, minutes, etcetera through straightforward drop-down navigation, or in case you are more experienced, you'll be able to use the advanced mode and specify the time interval with numbers and asterisks i.e. the usual method that you may have employed with different Control Panels.