The templates are focused entirely on a variety of ideas and activities. hostfields offers templates that can be appropriate for individual sites like blogs and for company websites, like online shops. Much of the templates can be obtained simply with hostfields’s hosting services, so this offers you the ability to employ a completely unique design for your web site.
800+ Complimentary Web Themes
Completely customizable. Auto Installing
To save you time in choosing the perfect overall look for your website, we have launched a group of more than 800 complimentary web themes inside the hostfields Control Panel. The themes were made to cover distinctive ideas and necessities – you can find styles for both private sites like blogs or portfolios and then business sites or web shops.
Every one of our complimentary web themes are accessible together with both our App Installer and also our Web Based Site Installer. As a result you can easily set up the template that appeals to you on a different web site in seconds.
Complimentary App Web Themes
Find complimentary web themes for your next web app
We’ve designed a number of tools (our Web Based Site Installer, the App Installer and also the Free Of Charge Website Creating Instrument), accessible for totally free in the hostfields Control Panel, to help you install a whole new web app such as Joomla™ or Wordpress within seconds. During the set up, you can actually go with a custom made template that is to be placed on your website from the outset.
We’ve got complimentary web themes for the following web apps: Wordpress, Joomla™, Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).
Complimentary Site Builder Web Themes
100+ thoroughly easy to customize complimentary web themes
If you desire to establish your very own site and spend less on web development, you’re able to make use of our Free Of Charge Website Creating Instrument. It’s a web template–structured web site builder that will require no HTML or CSS experience on your part, and it is obtainable for zero cost with all of our cloud hosting plans.
The tool incorporates over 100 specific designs and styles, which you’ll fully modify the way you like. As these complimentary web themes are made exclusively for the site builder, there is no doubt that after you develop your web site, it’ll be completely unique.